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Attend Free Abacus Math Workshop

Do you realize  that an average student loses a month of academic-calendar learning each summer? The result of this is a wider gap between achievement & learning. Join UCMAS to overcome this loss.
Age: 5-13 Years
July 11: 2-3 PM EST | 7:30-8:30 PM EST
July 15: 11-12 Noon EST | 5-6 PM EST
July 18: 4-6 PM EST (Only Edison, NJ)
July 19: 4-6 PM EST (Only Edison, NJ)

Benefits of Abacus Workshop

Introduction to Abacus
Builds Interest & Sharpens Math Skills
Prepares for New Academic Year
Prevents Summer Slide
Increases Confidence
Improves Concentration & Focus

Register For Free Workshop

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