Why UCMAS in Boca Raton ?
Hello! Welcome To Boca Raton, Your Neighborhood Abacus-Based Mental Math Training Center. Boca Raton Offers Great Parks And Recreation Opportunities, Quality Schools, Excellent Restaurants, Retail And More, Making It Both A Tourist And Residential Option For People Around The World.
UCMAS too decided to get on board this train but with the sole aim of nurturing strong cognitive skills at a young age to unleash children's innate latent mental potential at an early age when brain development is most rapid.
Centre Hours
Sat: 10am - 4pm
Sun: 10am - 4pm
About UCMAS Boca Raton
Hello! Welcome to UCMAS Boca Raton, your neighbourhood Abacus-based mental math training center.
We help children aged 5-13 years develop their number sense, math skills & enhance their overall brainpower with the help of proven Abacus training methods. Globally we've trained 3 million+ children.